Leila’s Story of Survival

Leila's Story of Survival

“I could let myself smile again…”

In the beginning of the summer, Leila called the Doorways’ hotline after being isolated and well-hidden from her abusive partner for over two years. In April, years after her escape, a well-intended family member inadvertently shared Leila’s whereabouts after being manipulated by her estranged husband. In fear of her life, Leila fled the area where she was living and arrived at the Domestic Violence Safehouse in the middle of a rainy night.

Within just a few days, Leila established herself as a true survivor. The domestic violence that she endured during her marriage was unimaginable. Her husband, a federal law enforcement officer, had stabbed her multiple times and broke her nose in previous years. Because Leila’s husband had a top secret security clearance, he was able to access an immense amount of personal information about Leila and used this information to keep her trapped and paralyzed each and every day of their marriage. Leila’s isolation and trauma left her in fear and wary of the help of strangers.

Over the next few weeks, Leila grew—noticeably. At first it started with a smile—something Leila admitted that she had not permitted herself to do in years. Through the security of the weekly support group facilitated by the shelter’s Client Services Counselor, Leila expressed how lonely she felt during her years in hiding, but that these feelings did not compare to the isolation and fear she felt throughout her marriage. Slowly but surely, resiliently and miraculously, Leila began to heal.

With the help of Doorways’ Housing Locator and Advocate, Leila was able to find housing several states away where she believed she would be safe. After some important work with her Client Service Counselor to formulate a safety plan and her financial educator to ensure her economic independence, Leila left just a few days before fall arrived, boarding a train to begin a new life free from the threat of violence.

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