Wear Orange Day

Wear orange or download our orange virtual background to use on February 11th to raise awareness about teen dating violence and the resources available to youth! Add the image to Zoom or Teams, and use the following talking points to tell your colleagues, friends, and family about it:
- February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). This year’s theme is Respect That.
- 1 in 3 teens experience dating abuse, but 2/3 of those don’t tell anyone.
- In Arlington, Doorways is available to support teens who experience abuse, as well as parents, caregivers, educators, and coaches. Visit www.doorwaysva.org to learn more, or call their 24-hotline if you need support: 703-237-0881.
- Doorways also has a prevention program that helps young people learn how to have safe and respectful relationships! Visit www.doorwaysva.org/prevention to learn more, view the educational programming catalog, and request a workshop for your youth group today!
- Loveisrespect.com is a great national resource including a national hotline and an online chat option.
Download Virtual Backgrounds
Click the images below to open and download your virtual background: