10 Ways You Can Support Someone Who’s Experiencing Abuse

As a friend, family member or co-worker of someone in an unhealthy or violent relationship, you may be the first person to recognize your loved one is not safe. In all likelihood, you know someone who is currently experiencing abuse or has in the past; 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.

Get tips

Free and confidential crisis support, information and referrals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week through Arlington’s 24-Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline at 703-237-0881. Whether you need emergency shelter, hospital accompaniment, in-person individual or group counseling, court advocacy or a listening ear and helping hand, give us a call to discuss your situation or that of a loved one. Not in Arlington? Please see alternative resources here.

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