Doorways’ 2023 Annual Report Highlights Comprehensive Response to Increasing Need for Shelter and Services

Doorways is a community-based nonprofit providing trauma-informed services including safe shelter, housing, and life-changing support to individuals and families experiencing the traumas of domestic violence, sexual assault, and homelessness. As Arlington’s only fully and dually state-accredited agency serving survivors of domestic and sexual violence, Doorways offers a wide range of crisis response services and comprehensive shelter and housing programs designed to meet survivors’ needs.
“Fulfilling this promise has never been more pressing,” writes Diana Ortiz, M.Ed., LPC, Doorways’ President and CEO, in the organization’s 2023 report. “Only five years ago, Doorways’ Safehouse sheltered 58 survivors. Last year alone, that number was 135 survivors—more than double the total in 2018. And more than half of those 135 survivors were children.”
“Our community’s needs are increasing and changing rapidly,” Ortiz continues. “Survivors told us what they need. Doorways listened. We are responding by reinventing ourselves. With your support, we are increasing, improving, and transforming the way we serve survivors.”
Q&A: Why are more survivors seeking shelter at Doorways?
In addition to providing emergency shelter, called safehousing, to a record-high number of survivors, Doorways’ 2023 response to domestic and sexual violence included:
- 1,411 hotline calls, through which Doorways provided safety planning, crisis support, information, and referral services;
- 29 hospital accompaniments for survivors undergoing sexual assault and domestic violence forensic exams;
- Court advocacy for 360 adults and children navigating legal pathways to safety;
- Community-based mobile advocacy for 50 adults, including safety planning and case management;
- Mental health counseling for 236 adults, youth, and children impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and
- Supportive housing for 129 adults and children.
Read Doorways’ 2023 annual report to learn more. Click the white arrow > below to flip pages.