Purple Thursday Outreach Kit
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). Plan to wear purple for Purple Thursday, October 17th, and use this kit to raise awareness, inspire action, and create change. If you are part of a faith community, consider selecting a Saturday/Sunday during October to wear purple instead.
Questions? Contact Linley Beckbridge at 703-504-9283 or LBeckbridge@DoorwaysVA.org.
Show off your purple
Doorways serves thousands of survivors each year with a trauma-informed approach design to build on clients’ strengths and make a lasting impact in their lives. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help. Take action during DVAM!
Virtual Backgrounds
Download Doorways’ DVAM virtual backgrounds for your online meetings. Share the purpose behind the purple with your colleagues, friends, and family!
Social Media
Wear purple and post a selfie or a group photo to social media, tagging @doorways_va on Instagram or @doorwaysva on Twitter and Facebook. Add one of these statements to tell your friends why you’re wearing purple, and call on them to join you in creating change:
- Today, I am wearing purple for the 1 in 3 men and women who experience intimate partner abuse. Join me in supporting survivors by donating to @doorways_va today! #purplethursday
- Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness for women, youth, and families. This #purplethursday, I’m wearing purple to raise awareness and support survivors. Join me by donating to @doorways_va today!
- More than half of women who survive domestic violence have PTSD. For #purplethursday, I’m wearing purple to reduce the stigma survivors face in getting support they need and deserve to heal. If you need help, contact @doorways_va at 703-237-0881, or the national hotline (@ndvhofficial) at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).
How to use a donation sticker to support Doorways on Instagram
If you post your photo to your Instagram Story, add a Donate Button and encourage your friends to give to Doorways and support survivors.
- From your story, tap
to add stickers.
- From there, you can add a donation sticker to allow people to donate to Doorways.
- You can pin stickers to a fixed spot in your video. After taking a video, add a sticker, then tap it and hold. Use the slider bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll through the video to find where you want to pin the sticker. Move the sticker and tap Pin.
- Rotate and resize a sticker by using two fingers to pinch and zoom.
- After you select the donation sticker, select Doorways (@doorways_va) and customize the name of your fundraiser.
- When people see your donation sticker in your story, they can tap Donate to donate to Doorways.
- Swipe up on your story to see the total amount raised and donations by username.
Invite people to join Purple Thursday
Many people aren’t aware of just how many people are impacted by abuse, or of the resources available to survivors and victims.
Together, we can change our community. Send emails, post to Facebook and Instagram, and tweet to your friends and followers using the sample text below to call them to action!
Sample email (Purple Thursday invite)
We recommend sending this as a calendar invite so your friends can accept it and save the date!
Dear friend,
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I am planning to wear purple – the color for domestic violence awareness – on Purple Thursday, October 17th. Will you join me?
[Insert details like where to meet for a group photo]
Please RSVP by [date]. I hope to see you there!
I’m wearing purple with one of my favorite nonprofits, Doorways. Doorways provide Arlington’s only comprehensive domestic and sexual violence programs, including a 24-hour hotline, hospital accompaniment, court advocacy, counseling, and more, for survivors of all genders and ages. Visit www.doorwaysva.org to learn more about the organization.
If you can, please consider donating to Doorways to support their life-changing work: www.doorwaysva.org/donate. If you’re unable to give a financial donation, you can still make a difference by sharing the link and inviting others to support the cause. Thank you for your help!
[Your name]
Sample email (support survivors during DVAM)
Dear friend,
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Did you know the CDC found that in the U.S. over 1 in 3 women and about 1 in 3 men experience intimate partner abuse in their lifetimes? Together, we can do something about it.
As you may know, I support Doorways, a local nonprofit serving survivors of domestic and sexual violence and youth and families experiencing homelessness. Doorways provide Arlington’s only comprehensive domestic and sexual violence programs, including a 24-hour hotline, hospital accompaniment, court advocacy, counseling, and more, for survivors of all genders and ages.
Watch this video to hear from graduates of Doorways about their experiences: www.doorwaysva.org/hear-from-our-clients.
If you can, please consider donating to Doorways to support their life-changing work: www.doorwaysva.org/donate. If you’re unable to give a financial donation, you can still make a difference by sharing the link and inviting others to support the cause. Thank you for your help!
[Your name]
Sample Facebook posts
Did you know that 1 in 3 women and men experience intimate partner abuse? This Domestic Violence Awareness Month, join me and Doorways by wearing purple on Thursday, October 19th to spread the word: abuse is not okay, survivors are not alone, and there are resources like Doorways that can help. https://www.doorwaysva.org/
If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, free and confidential support, info and referrals to emergency shelter, hospital accompaniment, counseling, and court advocacy are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through Doorways‘ 24-Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline at 703-237-0881. https://www.doorwaysva.org/
Sample tweets
- Did you know that over 1 in 3 women and about 1 in 3 men experience intimate partner abuse? This #DVAM, join me and @DoorwaysVA by wearing purple on Thursday, October 19th to shine a light on domestic violence. https://www.doorwaysva.org/
- Everyone deserves healthy relationships and a safe, stable place to call home. During #DVAM, join me in supporting @DoorwaysVA, @ArlingtonVA’s only domestic and sexual violence program: www.doorwaysva.org/dvam #31DaysofDVAM
- Free and confidential support, info and referrals to emergency shelter, hospital accompaniment, counseling, and court advocacy are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through @DoorwaysVA 24-Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline at 703-237-0881: www.doorwaysva.org/get-help.
More ways to take action
Do you believe that everyone deserves healthy relationships and a safe, stable place to call home? If so, your passion is our passion.
Doorways is not just an organization, but a community working together to serve and empower our clients through safe shelter, housing, and supportive services. You are a critical part of our response; this life-changing work would not be possible without you. Join our cause today to find your way of making an impact with us.
- Request a free workshop or invite Doorways to be part of your event
- Donate now
- Volunteer
- Plus much more!
What to do if someone you know is being abused
As a friend, family member or co-worker of someone in an unhealthy or violent relationship, you may be the first person to recognize your loved one is not safe. There are many things you can do to maintain your relationship with them and assist them in building a safety net for them, their children and their pets. Here are some suggestions.