Melissa Kenney Wins 2017 Leadership Legacy Award
Doorways Volunteer Resources Manager Wins Leadership Legacy Award
Melissa Kenney Is the First Recipient of the Volunteer Arlington Award

Doorways for Women and Families, a nonprofit, community service organization that creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault leading to safe, stable and empowered lives, is proud to announce that Melissa Kenney, the organization’s volunteer resources manager, has received the Leadership Center for Excellence’s 2017 Volunteer Arlington Leadership Legacy Award.
“Recipients are selected for their demonstration of leadership in our community and support of the Leadership Center’s mission ‘to enlighten, inspire and connect’ leaders in our community,” the Leadership Center for Excellence said in a statement announcing the 2017 winners. “The recipients also exemplify a variety of leadership capacities, visionary thinking, servant leadership and ethics in thoughts, words and actions.”
Kenney started at Doorways as a volunteer where she logged more than 350 hours in three years helping survivors of sexual and domestic violence and families experiencing homelessness at Doorways’ Domestic Violence Safehouse and Freddie Mac Foundation Family Home. Her roles included answering Doorways’ 24-Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline, providing shelter coverage at the Safehouse, and supporting Children’s Services. Now, she works to train other volunteers to help carryout Doorways’ critical mission, including Sexual Assault Response Advocates (SARA volunteers).
“We are so excited that Melissa is being honored this much-deserved recognition,” said Doorways President and CEO Caroline Jones. “Volunteers are critical to Doorways’ day-to-day operations, and Melissa has done exceptional work with volunteer engagement. Her dedicated support of our volunteers and our mission are exemplary, and we are proud to see her work recognized with this award.”
Doorways has three times as many volunteers as staff, and they do everything from front-line service to fundraising. Without volunteers, Doorways couldn’t deliver their life-changing services that put thousands of Arlington community members on paths to brighter futures each year.
“I love working with volunteers because they inspire me every day,” said Kenney. “Our volunteers’ passion, energy and commitment to addressing issues of domestic violence, sexual assault and family homelessness make a real difference in the lives of so many right here in our own community.”
If you are interested in volunteering with Doorways, visit to get started.
Announcing 2017 Leadership Legacy Award Winners
From the Leadership Center for Excellence
Leadership Center for Excellence is honored to announce the recipients of the 2017 Leadership Legacy Awards, recognizing outstanding community leaders. The event honoring these leaders will be held on May 24, 2017 from 6:00pm until 9:30pm at Army Navy Country Club. Additionally, the Leadership Legacy Awards will celebrate the graduation of the Leadership Arlington Class of 2017.
This year, Leadership Center for Excellence will present awards in the following areas: Ethics, Community Impact, Nonprofit and Volunteer Arlington. We are excited to announce the following winners:
- Ethics Award: John J. Brough, Chain Bridge Bank
- Community Impact Award: HITT Contracting
- Nonprofit Award: YMCA Arlington
- Volunteer Arlington Award: Melissa Kenney, Doorways for Women and Families
Recipients are selected for their demonstration of leadership in our community and support of the Leadership Center’s mission “to enlighten, inspire and connect” leaders in our community. The recipients also exemplify a variety of leadership capacities, visionary thinking, servant leadership and ethics in thoughts, words and actions.
Volunteer Arlington Award
Melissa Kenney, Volunteer Resources Manager for Doorways for Women and Families
This year we have added a new award called the Volunteer Arlington Award. Melissa Kenney of Doorways for Women and Families is receiving this honor. Melissa started at Doorways as a volunteer where she logged more than 350 hours in three years helping homeless families and survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Now, Melissa works to train other volunteers and is central to the success of Doorways.
“I love working with volunteers because they inspire me every day,” said Melissa Kenney, Volunteer Resources Manager for Doorways for Women and Families. “Our volunteers’ passion, energy and commitment to addressing issues of domestic violence, sexual assault and family homelessness make a real difference in the lives of so many right here in our own community.”
“We are honored to recognize Melissa Kenney as the recipient of our Volunteer Arlington Award,” said Betsy Frantz, President & CEO of Leadership Center for Excellence. “She truly demonstrates leadership and supports our mission to enlighten, inspire and connect leaders in our community.”