Baby Steps: Brianna’s Story
Baby Brianna came to Doorways with her mom due to domestic violence. Brianna was just one year old when her family entered Doorways’ shelter. She loved to play with Doorways’ staff whenever they visited with her.
Because her mom did not have the support system or resources she needed, Brianna was not enrolled in childcare. Now on her own after escaping abuse, without childcare, Brianna’s mom was unable to work. Doorways’ children’s advocate met with Brianna’s mom and helped her complete enrollment documentation in order to get Brianna in childcare.
With one barrier eliminated, Brianna still needed a car seat for trips to and from daycare. Because she was unemployed following the last incidence of domestic violence, her mom did not have economical resources to purchase one. Doorways’ staff surprised her with a brand new car seat the same week. She was thrilled! Brianna’s mom shared how happy and grateful she was to be able to finish the daycare enrollment process now that she had a way to safely transport her baby to care.
With these supports in place, Brianna’s family was empowered to take the next steps in their journey, with the safety net of Doorways to help along the way.
To protect client safety and confidentiality, client names and identifying information are changed, and images used are stock photos, featuring models, for illustrative purposes only.