Meeting Every Person Where They Are

Meet Danielle, HARP Volunteer
Danielle joined Doorways’ volunteer corps just as the pandemic shut down much of our communities in the spring of 2020. She first connected to Doorways through the Revive Domestic and Sexual Violence Counseling Program.
“I received services from Doorways’ Revive counseling program several years ago, during a time where I was struggling,” she said. “I met a great counselor and eventually joined a group, and all of that support helped me find myself again. Volunteering is now my way of giving back to an organization that changed my life!”
As a volunteer Hospital Accompaniment Response Program (HARP) advocate, she has been part of Doorways’ 24-hour response during a particularly difficult year. “Doorways helps people experiencing some of their worst moments,” Danielle said. Being there to support others through difficult situations is her favorite thing about volunteering with Doorways. “My hope is to make every person feel a little bit less alone,” she said. “The biggest thing I’ve learned is how to meet every person in need where they are,” she said. “Every person and every situation is so different,” and “Doorways really seeks to empower every single client.”
Considering volunteering? “Sign up!” Danielle said. “I’ve met so many other great volunteers and it’s a great way to serve our community.”
Learn more about volunteering at Doorways here, and please contact us with any questions.