Category Archives: Press Release

Doorways Announces Campaign for Brighter Futures at Seventh Annual Breakfast

Event Raises $310,000 Toward $10-Million Campaign Goal

Doorways for Women and Families, a nonprofit, community service organization that creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault leading to safe, stable and empowered lives, proudly announced the Campaign for Brighter Futures at their seventh annual breakfast. The Campaign for Brighter Futures is a three-year, $10-million comprehensive fundraising campaign aimed at engaging the Arlington community and increasing private, philanthropic investment in the areas of safety, stability and sustainability. Over $4 million was given to the campaign by generous philanthropists in advance of the public launch, and an additional $310,000 was raised at the event.

Caroline Jones and elected officialsDoorways’ Campaign for Brighter Futures seeks to build a stronger, safer community by breaking the cycles of poverty and violence that keep many generations of families locked in struggle. The need for Doorways’ programs and services has never been greater. Over the past two years, every Doorways program serving survivors of violence has grown. Last year, Doorways responded to 1,347 calls to their 24-hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline (703-237-0881) impacting 2,206 adults and children – a record number in the organizations 38 year history. Furthermore, Doorways has seen a disturbing trend in the faces of homelessness as their clients have gotten younger and younger; nearly 40 percent of families are headed by an adult age 25 or younger.

We cannot do less in a time of increasing need.

“We have a solid plan to move forward – to brighter futures for our clients by combining our public support that opens doors to safety – with private support that opens doors to stability,” said Doorways President and CEO Caroline Jones. “We cannot do less in a time of increasing need. Yet, our current and foreseeable resources don’t stretch far enough to keep up. With the right balance of these social investments, we can close this gap and sustain Doorways’ response to create a lasting difference for thousands.”

Caroline Jones and Campaign Co-ChairsThe Campaign for Brighter Futures is part of Doorways’ strategic plan that addresses the increasing demand for safety, the growing complexity in the needs of survivors and families seeking self-sufficiency, and the uncertain, restrictive funding climate that threatens the ability to deliver lasting change in their client’s well-being. Enhanced services already underway include the Pathways for Youth Service Model, which aims to end homelessness where it often begins, with vulnerable young people in our community, and Doorways’ Revive Counseling Program, which serves survivors of every age who have experienced intimate partner violence.

We are turning to every person in our community to help lift up this organization that lifts up so many.

“The campaign’s goal represents the funding required to meet our annual operating budget for the next three years, as well as the creation of a Sustainability Fund, the purpose of which is to be available for use when our neighbors face new, unanticipated challenges, or when we must keep our many doorways open in the face of economic downturns and losses of funding,” said Yuri Sagatov of Sagatov Design + Build, Doorways board member and co-chair for the Campaign for Brighter Futures. “We are turning to every person in our community to help lift up this organization that lifts up so many.”

Caroline JonesMore than 300 people attended the breakfast, giving a total of $310,000 toward the $10-million campaign goal. The event was made possible by Brighter Futures Sponsors – The Keri Shull Team & Orange Line Living; Economic Independence Sponsors – Clark Construction and Shooshan Company; Future Response Sponsors – Arlington Community Foundation, First Virginia Community Bank, John Marshall Bank, Transurban and Ward Chisholm, PC; Media Sponsor – Arlington Magazine; Printing & Graphics Sponsor – Signs by Tomorrow Arlington; and Nonprofit Partner Sponsor – Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). Combined with lead campaign gifts made before the public launch, Doorways has raised nearly 45 percent of the $10-million campaign goal. Doorways aims to meet their goal in 2018, the year of their 40th anniversary.

To join Doorways in creating pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault leading to safe, stable and empowered lives, visit If you or someone you know is being hurt by or fearful of their partner, you are not alone. Please call Doorways’ 24-hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at (703) 237-0881.

Alisa, Alaisia and Caroline

Photos by Joyce N. Boghosian of Boghosian/Naltchayan Photography


Doorways kicks off three-year, $10 million funding campaign

by Scott McCaffrey, Staff Writer, Inside NOVA

Life happens, the saying goes, and some years ago, it happened to Alisa Thornton.

A single mother struggling to make ends meet even while working two jobs, Thornton and her children were facing eviction and the prospect of life on the street when they were connected with the staff of Doorways for Women and Families.

The result was a game-changer.

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Doorways and NVFS receive Community Impact Grant from Arlington Community Foundation

Doorways for Women and Families and Northern Virginia Family Services received $80,000 Community Impact Grant from Arlington Community Foundation to benefit local, at-risk youth

Doorways for Women and Families and Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS) have been jointly awarded an $80,000 Community Impact Grant from the Arlington Community Foundation to support their collaborative efforts to launch a pilot Pathways for Youth program to provide young families who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness with trauma-informed care and developmentally targeted services to address life-skills development and complex trauma needs.

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Community Foundation Grants Focus on Collaboration

The Arlington Community Foundation has awarded new Community Impact Grants worth $105,000 in an effort to address the needs of vulnerable youth.

A collaborative effort between Doorways for Women and Families and Northern Virginia Family Service was presented with an $80,000 grant to launch the “Pathways for Youth” program, aimed at developing and mentoring life skills and providing non-traditional treatment and counseling for local youths.

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Arlington Community Comes Together for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Doorways for Women and Families is calling on Arlington community members to learn more about the issue and take action to raise awareness this month. Doorways, a nonprofit community service organization that creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault, provides support and services to individuals and families impacted by these issues as well as community education and advocacy to address their root causes.

During Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Doorways is partnering with the U.S. Department of Defense, the Arlington County Police Department, the Metro Transit Police Department, the City of Alexandria’s Sexual Assault Center, PAVE, the Marymount University Counseling Center and more to raise awareness at various events throughout Arlington. On April 6, Doorways encourages community members to participate in Start By Believing Day, which stresses the importance of people’s reactions to friends and family members’ disclosures of assault, by committing to believe survivors when they say they’ve been raped or sexually assaulted. Community members can also demonstrate support for survivors by wearing teal for Teal Out on April 20. Additional information about these and more ways to make an impact are available at

Raising awareness that interpersonal violence impacts people in Arlington is an important part of addressing these issues. “It can be difficult to grasp the scope of the problem in our community because these issues are often hidden” said Doorways President and CEO Caroline Jones.  Last year alone, Doorways responded to 1,244 callers through their 24-hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline—a 53 percent increase over calls received the previous year—impacting 2,012 adults and children. “Thankfully, more and more people are becoming aware of the hotline and are feeling empowered to reach out to us to access the resources they need,” said Jones.

Through the hotline, Doorways offers free and confidential crisis support, information and referrals 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, survivors of sexual assault can access Doorways’ trained staff and volunteers to accompany them to area hospitals for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (S.A.N.E.) exams. This accompaniment support is offered in partnership with Arlington County’s Commonwealth Attorney’s Office.  Hotline support is available to all survivors, regardless of their choice to pursue medical attention and/or legal action. For those in need of safe shelter to escape interpersonal violence, Doorways’ Domestic Violence Safehouse can also be accessed through the hotline.

By coming together during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we can help one another better understand the realities of sexual assault, survivors’ varied needs and so critically learn together how best to prevent and respond to sexual violence as a community.

“We are so grateful to our community partners who are supporting Doorways’ safe, immediate response to survivors and helping to educate our community,” said Jones. “By coming together during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we can help one another better understand the realities of sexual assault, survivors’ varied needs and so critically learn together how best to prevent and respond to sexual violence as a community.”

To learn more about how Doorways creates pathways leading to safe, stable and empowered lives, and to join the cause, visit If you or someone you know needs support, please call Doorways’ 24-hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline at (703) 237-0881.

County Board Declares October Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Arlington

Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Arlington County

Doorways for Women and Families, a nonprofit, community service organization that creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault leading to safe, stable and empowered lives, proudly announced today that October has been officially declared Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Arlington County.

The declaration was shared on October 6 at the Arlington County Courthouse during the Third Annual “Purple Out Courthouse” to mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Nearly 100 people clad in purple gathered to take part, including the Arlington Victim/Witness Program, Police and Sheriff’s Departments, Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, County Board, Circuit Court judges, County Clerk and other community members. Arlington County Board Member John Vihstadt shared the official proclamation following Arlington County Board Member Libby Garvey, who serves as Co-Chair to Arlington’s Project PEACE. Both leaders shared inspired and moving commitment to support our community in addressing the needs of survivors of abuse.

“I’m thrilled by the show of support for our purple out event,” said Commonwealth’s Attorney Theo Stamos. “I’m particularly gratified by this proclamation because it recognizes that domestic violence is a community problem that requires a coordinated community response. My office is committed to continuing our partnership with Doorways for Women and Families and Arlington Project PEACE to address the needs of survivors and to educate the public.”

“Behind this momentous proclamation, there is much, much more,” said Doorways President and CEO Caroline Jones. “The impressive range in attendees today demonstrates our meaningful collaboration, the collective dedication to responding to survivors and, importantly, the growing value of the importance for our community to address the range of needs survivors face. Doorways is grateful to our many community partners for their support of women, men and children impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault.”

Last year, Doorways’ Domestic Violence Safehouse provided emergency shelter to 45 adults and 41 children escaping violence. Doorways’ Court Advocacy program helped 403 adults and children gain legal protections to ensure their safety. Calls to Doorways’ 24-Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline increased by 53 percent over those received last year, and the hotline responded to 1,244 callers, impacting 2,012 adults and children.

“Given the increasing demand for our services, recognizing the growing need for support in our community is more critical than ever,” Jones said. “Doorways is grateful to all those who are taking part in recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Arlington to bring further attention to survivors’ multiple needs and the ongoing support, resources and teamwork required to address them.”

To learn more about how Doorways creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault leading to safe, stable and empowered lives, and to get involved, visit If you or someone you know is being hurt by or fearful of their partner, please call Doorways’ 24-hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at (703) 237-0881.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2015

WHEREAS, domestic violence is a serious crime that affects people of all races, ages, gender, and income levels; and 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime; and

WHEREAS, domestic violence is widespread and affects over 4 million Americans each year; with one in three Americans having witnessed an incident of domestic violence; and

WHEREAS, children that grow up in violent homes are abused and neglected at a rate higher than the national average; and

WHEREAS, 2015 marks the 21th Anniversary of the Violence against Women Act (VAWA), groundbreaking legislation that comprehensively addresses domestic and sexual violence and stalking in our country; and since it was introduced, violence against family members and intimate partners in the United States has declined 67%; and reporting of such violence by both women and men has increased; and

WHEREAS, Arlington County has benefited from the establishment of a coordinated community response (Project PEACE) to violence that encourages victim safety and offender accountability; and Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides an excellent opportunity for citizens to learn more about preventing domestic violence and to show support for the numerous organizations and individuals who provide critical advocacy, services and assistance to victims;

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mary Hughes Hynes, Chair of the County Board of Arlington, do hereby proclaim October 2015, as


in Arlington County, to honor people impacted by domestic violence and those in our community committed to ensuring a proactive and coordinated community response to domestic violence, and urge our residents to work together to eliminate domestic violence from our community.

Doorways’ 6th Annual Brighter Futures Breakfast

Community Gives Over $200,000 to Empower Survivors of Homelessness and Abuse

350 people gathered at Doorways’ 6th Annual Brighter Futures Breakfast to celebrate and support survivors

 Arlington, VA October 1, 2015 Doorways for Women and Families, an Arlington nonprofit creating pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault, proudly announced today that community members gave more than $200,000 during the sixth annual Brighter Futures Breakfast last Friday, September 25.

The event, made possible by lead sponsors AvalonBay Communities, Clark Construction, The Keri Shull Team, Orange Line Living and the Shooshan Company, brought together 350 community members, including local business and civic leaders, government officials, neighborhood associations, faith groups and generous individuals.

“Now, more than ever, we need the support of our community to ensure we can continue to provide assistance to our most vulnerable neighbors,” said Caroline Jones, president and CEO of Doorways. “We’ve seen a significant increase in demand for our services this past year. Calls to our 24-Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline rose by 53 percent, and the number of men, women and children served throughout all our programs grew by 24 percent to 2,708.”

During the one-hour event, Doorways clients shared their incredible journeys out of crisis, illustrating what this community makes possible by supporting Doorways’ mission and programs. “They really understood what I was going through, heard my situation out and decided to help me,” said Alisa, a Doorways graduate from 2009. “They let me know that anything was possible. When you are in a dark place, sometimes it’s hard to see the light. Doorways…turns that light on for you.”

“While we can’t take away all the things that have happened in our clients lives, we can make sure these obstacles and experiences don’t define them or limit their potential,” said Jones. “Some of best people I’ve had the pleasure to know have been the clients at Doorways – people like Alisa and her daughters.”

In addition to the event’s lead sponsors, this Brighter Futures Breakfast was backed by supporting sponsors First Virginia Community Bank and McEnearney Associates; contributing sponsors the Arlington Community Foundation and John Marshall Bank; gift sponsor Donna Hamaker, Realtor of Buck and Associates; and media and promotional sponsors Arlington Magazine and Signs by Tomorrow.

To learn more about family homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault in our community and how you can help address these issues, visit If you or someone who know are in need of support, being hurt by or fearful of your partner, please call Doorways’ 24-hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at (703) 237-0881.


Doorways President and CEO Caroline Jones Wins 2015 Brava Award

Doorways for Women and Families, an Arlington nonprofit creating pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault, proudly announced today that its President and CEO, Caroline Jones, has won the 2015 Brava Award. Jones will be recognized at an awards reception on July 30.

Caroline's 2015 Brava Award (for Facebook)Jones, who holds a Master’s in Social Work with emphasis on child welfare and clinical intervention, has dedicated more than 18 years of service to at-risk children and families. Jones joined Doorways as director of Doorways’ HomeStart Supportive Housing Program (formerly the Transitional Housing Program), in 2003. In 2005, Jones was promoted to client service director. Under her leadership, Doorways transformed client service delivery to provide comprehensive, family-centered and strength-based support for women and families.

When Jones was named Doorways’ executive director in 2011, she further strengthened the organization by empowering staff, forming strategic partnerships and improving organizational structure and efficiency. Her extensive experience in leadership, direct client services, program development and evaluation, mutual competency models of supervision, community partnerships and advocacy has led to Doorways’ growth and continued success.

“Caroline is an exceptional leader of an amazing team of dedicated staff,” said Doorways Board President Christy Cole. “She manages the intense operational demands of her role while adeptly cultivating relationships with key external stakeholders including government agencies, corporate partners and individual donors. Caroline brings a wealth of skills, experience, passion and dedication to her work. Please join us in congratulating Caroline for this well-deserved recognition of her outstanding leadership and her ongoing role in Doorways’ success.”

“I’m honored to receive the 2015 Brava Award along with many impactful leaders,” Jones said. “I am so grateful for Doorways’ dedicated community of supporters and our staff and volunteers for making our work possible, and I thank our survivors for teaching us how to have the greatest impact in their lives and our community.”

Doorways President and CEO Caroline Jones Wins 2015 Brava Award

Doorways for Women and Families, an Arlington nonprofit creating pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault, proudly announced today that its President and CEO, Caroline Jones, has won the 2015 Brava Award. Jones will be recognized at an awards reception on July 30.

Jones, who holds a Master’s in Social Work with emphasis on child welfare and clinical intervention, has dedicated more than 18 years of service to at-risk children and families. Jones joined Doorways as director of Doorways’ HomeStart Supportive Housing Program (formerly the Transitional Housing Program), in 2003. In 2005, Jones was promoted to client service director. Under her leadership, Doorways transformed client service delivery to provide comprehensive, family-centered and strength-based support for women and families.

When Jones was named Doorways’ executive director in 2011, she further strengthened the organization by empowering staff, forming strategic partnerships and improving organizational structure and efficiency. Her extensive experience in leadership, direct client services, program development and evaluation, mutual competency models of supervision, community partnerships and advocacy has led to Doorways’ growth and continued success.

“Caroline is an exceptional leader of an amazing team of dedicated staff,” said Doorways Board President Christy Cole. “She manages the intense operational demands of her role while adeptly cultivating relationships with key external stakeholders including government agencies, corporate partners and individual donors. Caroline brings a wealth of skills, experience, passion and dedication to her work. Please join us in congratulating Caroline for this well-deserved recognition of her outstanding leadership and her ongoing role in Doorways’ success.”

“I’m honored to receive the 2015 Brava Award along with many impactful leaders,” Jones said. “I am so grateful for Doorways’ dedicated community of supporters and our staff and volunteers for making our work possible, and I thank our survivors for teaching us how to have the greatest impact in their lives and our community.”

To learn more about family homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault in Arlington and how you can help address these issues, visit


About Doorways:

Doorways for Women and Families is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that believes everyone deserves safe, affordable housing and a quality life. For over 37 years, we have worked to transform the lives of women and families who are facing homelessness or suffering from abuse. Beginning with a safe place to stay and continuing with services that address each individual’s needs, Doorways creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault leading to safe, stable and empowered lives. Thanks to community partnerships and the generosity of our supporters, our three-tiered strategy meets both the immediate and long-term needs of our clients and addresses the economic and societal issues that lead to violence, poverty and family homelessness. Join us online at

About the Brava Awards:

The Brava Awards program celebrates female CEOs, nonprofit leaders and high impact executives who combine their irrepressible entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for giving back to the community. Brava Award winners are exemplary leaders of both their companies and their communities. They encourage local philanthropy, mentor up-and-coming leaders and set their companies on the path to tremendous growth. Each year, an independent committee of local business leaders selects winners based on company growth, community impact and mentoring. SmartCEO shares their inspiring stories in the July/August issue of SmartCEO magazine and celebrates their success at an awards reception in July.


Linley Beckbridge
Communications and Outreach Manager
Doorways for Women and Families
(703) 504-9283