Carrying on Traditions

Why I Give: Eileen Flynn
“Sometimes my grandmother would send me to the corner store for a loaf of bread and give me two dimes. I had a little ‘piggy’ bank in her kitchen and she would have me put one dime in the bank and one dime in my pocket. The idea being that you should enjoy and spend some of your money and also save for the future.”
—Eileen Flynn, Doorways Legacy Society member
Over 50 years later, Eileen still has the piggy bank from her grandmother’s house and she continues to abide by the lessons her grandmother taught her. After a long career in the federal government and years of prudent money management, Eileen is able to enjoy her retirement and support the organizations in the community that mean the most to her.
Planning and saving for the future have been important to Eileen her whole life and she is pleased to know that she is supporting Doorways’ efforts to empower clients by promoting financial literacy. Furthermore, she knows that Doorways is a well-managed organization dedicated to implementing sound financial practices.
Eileen has stepped up to support Doorways’ Campaign for Brighter Futures by making a multi-year outright pledge and by establishing a planned gift, a bequest in her will. Eileen’s outright gift, which she makes by credit card in easy monthly installments, will support Doorways’ immediate work in creating pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault, and her bequest will ensure that Doorways’ response will be here in our community for generations to come.
Creating a Brighter Future for Generations to Come
Doorways strives to make the future brighter for youth and families escaping homelessness, as well as survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Like Eileen, you can help ensure that this mission remains an integral part of Arlington’s future by making a planned gift today.
You can help guarantee that ten, twenty—even fifty—years from now, people in our community will have access to safe shelter, long-term housing and supportive services to help them overcome abuse and poverty.